Ep. 22 How To Eat More

Subscribe Struggling to get enough food in your day? We’ve got you For some people, eating enough is just as hard as not eating too much.  Unfortunately, it’s something that doesn’t get talked about nearly enough, so in this episode I’m going to try and help. Hard gainers / chronic under fuellers / no appetiters … Read More

Ep. 21 Cholesterol

Subscribe Lowering your cholesterol is a big deal. Here’s why Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the WORLD, and higher levels of cholesterol can increase our risk of cardiovascular disease so… let’s learn how we can lower our cholesterol! Fortunately, with a few simple swaps, we can pretty significantly impact your cholesterol … Read More

Ep. 20 Protein Powders

Subscribe Will all of my muscles explode if I don’t have a protein shake? Today we’re talking all things protein powder because I get it. Supplement stores are terrifying.  Even I’m terrified of them and I know a thing or two about nutrition.  They’re probably not the most… impartial sources of information either.  This podcast … Read More

Ep. 19 Weekend Eating

Subscribe “My Diet Starts Monday” If you’ve ever uttered the words “my diet starts Monday”… this might just be the episode for you.  This is a common topic of conversation with new clients, so I thought I’d throw it up in episode format to help anyone else who might be struggling with their nutrition over … Read More

Ep. 18 Lactose Intolerance

Subscribe Have your cheese and eat it too “I’ve never met anyone who is lactose intolerant who is serious about their lactose intolerance”. WHY can’t some of us tolerate it? What’s actually going on, and are there things we can change in our diet that might impact our tolerance? Potentially. But you’ll just need to … Read More

Ep. 17 FODMAPs

Subscribe FOD-WHATS?! Let’s talk FODMAPs! It’s fun to say, but what are they? Where are they found? Do you need to worry about them? Should I try the low FODMAP diet? Stop asking questions and listen to the episode. It will (probably) contain all the answers you seek.  Subscribe Transcript Welcome back to the Bite … Read More

Ep. 16 Creatine

Subscribe What is this strange white powder? If you’re a human being who lifts weights, or a human being interested in health, this is everything you’ll ever need to know about creatine.  Is that a big claim? Yes. But the only way you’ll be able to prove me wrong is by listening… Subscribe Transcript Welcome … Read More

Ep. 15 Building Muscle

Subscribe How to win the hyper – trophy Is swole the goal and size the prize? Are you competing for the hyper-trophy? Did neither of those jokes make sense to you because you’re not a sad gym nerd like me, but you still want to know the best approach to building muscle? Then listen up … Read More

Ep. 14 Glutamine

Subscribe Is glutamine the missing link in your gut health? Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in our body, and your gut cell’s favourite source of energy.   But does that mean you need to supplement it to optimise your gut health? And what about body composition? And endurance training? And getting stabbed? This episode … Read More