Ep. 32 Top 5 Nutrition Mistakes

Subscribe Feeling stuck with your nutrition? Listen to this I’ve seen over a thousand clients (#humblebrag) in my time as a dietitian. Although every individual is unique, these 5 mistakes are easily the most common things people are struggling with when we first chat.  So grab a beverage of choice and have a listen to … Read More

Ep. 31 IBS Supplements with Crystal Austin

Subscribe The good, the bad and the ugly Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a very real, very frustrating condition that a number of people struggle with.  Unfortunately, due to this, the world of “gut health” has become a breeding ground for questionable supplements and funny coloured powders. Thankfully, we’ve got Crystal Austin (aka the IBSFODMAP … Read More

Ep. 30 Recovery Science with Dr Dean J Miller

Subscribe Caffeine, sleep and wearables, oh my! While everyone’s looking for the next best diet, pill, powder or supplement to give them everlasting life, sleep and recovery are often criminally overlooked.   That’s why this week I’m chatting to Dr Dean J Miller! He doesn’t have any fancy supplements or diets to sell you, but he … Read More

Ep. 28 Vegan Performance with James Newbury

Subscribe Plant Powered Performance James Newbury has done some pretty epic things.  You probably know him thanks to his Crossfit days, but he’s also completed triathlons, marathons and powerlifting competitions, started multiple businesses and is also just bloody lovely. We sat down to have a chat about how he juggles training, business and life and … Read More

Ep. 27 Kids’ nutrition with Dr Kyla

Subscribe If you’ve ever struggled to feed your kids a vegetable, you need to listen to this Please welcome Dr Kyla to the podcast! She’s a paediatric dietitian with over a decade of experience helping families feed their kids.  In this episode, we cover how to talk about healthy and unhealthy foods, whether your kids … Read More

Ep. 26 Struggling With Bloating? This Is For You

Subscribe Bloated? It may be more than your food… One of the major “gut health” concerns I deal with is bloating, and for good reason.  Bloating sucks. Regardless of the frequency or severity, it’s something no one wants to deal with. And while yes, food intolerances or sensitivities can definitely play a part, I feel … Read More

Ep. 24: Help! I Hate Breakfast

Subscribe Is breakfast REALLY the most important meal of the day? When should you eat breakfast? What should you eat for breakfast? Should you even EAT breakfast? I get lots of questions about breakfast. LOTS. So, dear listener, I decided to cover all of them in this episode so you wouldn’t have to wonder any … Read More

Ep. 23 Back To Normal

Subscribe This is the NUMBER ONE skill successful clients have Welcome to the most click-baity podcast I’ve posted to date.  I’m not sorry. I actually really do think it’s that important. If you are able to build this skill, nothing can stop you! Subscribe Transcript Welcome back to the Bite Me Nutrition podcast. Today I … Read More