Ep. 71 The Placebo Effect

Subscribe Not just a cool band I have always found the placebo effect fascinating.  I think a lot of people completely underestimate just how powerful this effect can be, and what that means for the way you need to approach everything you see or hear about nutrition.  Have a listen so you too can be … Read More

Episode 70: What is “Just Enough”?

Subscribe One square? One block? One kilogram?! This may be the shortest episode I’ve ever recorded, but it also contains a really practical strategy you can use to improve your diet and relationship with food.  Many people I work with use this strategy to fundamentally shift the way they relate to things like chocolate, chips, … Read More

Episode 69: How big should my calorie deficit be?

Subscribe Episode 69: How big should my calorie deficit be? If you want to lose body fat, you need to be in a calorie deficit, no ifs, ands or buts. BUT. How big should that deficit be? Is a smaller deficit better than a bigger deficit? Is a bigger deficit the best? Does the answer … Read More

EP 68: Nutrition for IBS with Kat Georgeou

Subscribe The one about IBS Kat’s back, and she’s here to tell us all about IBS, the different types of IBS, how you might receive a diagnosis and what your next steps can be to help manage those symptoms.  You’re going to want to grab a pen for this one! Warning: there is poo chat. … Read More

Ep. 67 Ozempic

Subscribe That Ozempic is so hot right now Weight loss medications such as Ozempic are a huge topic of conversation right now, and understandably so. This new generation of weight loss medications is having a huge impact, which is of course sparking many conversations around the safety and ethics of their use.  This episode is … Read More

Ep. 66 Nutrition for ADHD with Jenna Stein

Subscribe ADHD making your nutrition hard? We’ve got your back Jenna is back on the podcast, this time to give you the most practical strategies and ideas to support your nutrition if you’re navigating ADHD.  Structure, impulsivity, dopamine, simple ways to prep and plan and how to handle “the ick” are all in there! If … Read More

Ep. 65 Nutritional Levers

Subscribe Serious question: Is it lee-ver or lev-er? It’s been a while since I’ve done a short, sharp practical episode, so we’re back with one of my favourite strategies today! I’ve used the concept of “levers” to help people reframe how they’re approaching their fat loss goals and at the risk of sounding like a … Read More

Ep. 64: Set Point Theory

Subscribe Is your body weight pre-determined? Subscribe Transcript Jono (00:00.856) Welcome back to the Bite Me Nutrition podcast. I’m going to talk to you today about the set point theory. It’s probably something you’ve come across. I get lots of questions about it. It’s taken me a while to kind of put my thoughts together … Read More

Ep. 63: Nutrition for Menopause Pt.2 with Kat Georgeou

Subscribe All your menopause questions, answered! Kat’s back! After her first episode covering nutrition for menopause at a higher level, we’ve dived in deeper to some more specific topics like fat loss, lean body mass, metabolic changes, supplements and HRT! If you enjoyed the first episode but left with some questions, this answer has you … Read More

Ep. 62: The Dirty Dozen

Subscribe Wait isn’t that that old WW2 movie? The Dirty Dozen is a list of the most “heavily pesticided produce” developed by the Environmental Working Group. Sounds pretty legit right? Wrong. Listen in, and find out why this list is best avoided (but you can totally watch the WW2 movie of the same name) Time … Read More